We present ourselves as the Bench-Bar specialists with all out commitment just to law. Maansarovar Law Center is a selective, cutting edge instructive organization for different law placement tests the nation over. Based on the foundations of greatness, quality, polished skill and trustworthiness, we have been delivering the best legal advisors in India. This has been conceivable as a result of our unprecedented workforce, broad research of example of different tests and genuine investigation of study example of standard toppers.
Law or legitimate calling is one of the most pined for employment in India today given the power and regard appended and furthermore the security of profession it gives directly after 10+2, much the same as medication and designing. The picture of a legal counselor has experienced one of the most keen face-lifts ever. The adaptation of a cutting edge attorney is one of a very much regarded, all around prepped and generously compensated proficient, whose personality isn't encircled by the court alone, yet reaches out to the hallways of corporate power houses and universal organisations.Our point is to enable the understudies to enter the Bar lastly the Bench.
Our program planned by a group of specialists targets helping understudies build up a lawfully coherent personality and clear esteemed law tests. We cause them to accept that clearing the test is especially conceivable and the pointless promotion around the test ought not dissuade their endeavors. What is required is tireless exertion and a genuine objective situated methodology. This is done under the direction of our Law Director, Miss Sonal Gupta who has been a standard topper in LL.B. what's more, first ranker in LL.M. entrance. Being simply the topper, she causes the understudies to comprehend that top position isn't around 15-20 hours of concentrate regular, rather it is about keen, key investigation. Her profoundly effective mentorship combined with our understudy neighborly program has made dreams of numerous law applicants conceivable.
In 2015-16, Maansarovar had the pleasure of educating around 1000 understudies for different law tests and we contacted the new statures with around 95% understudies being chosen in different law universities the nation over!