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Lal Bahadur Shastri Training Institute    Ghaziabad

Lal Bahadur Shastri Training Institute is the first government registered institute set up in dehradun (uttrakhand) in the year 1996, which was inaugurated by hon'ble Mohd. Iftfarooqdeen (IAS) Vice chancellor MDDA. The details of other centres which were inaugurated by the personalities are Mr. Nityanand Swami (Sabhapati Vidhan Parishad UP). Mr.Harbans Kapoor (hon'ble Minister of rural development, UP). Mr Sanjay Garg (honorable minister of state for trade tax UP), Mr. Satya Narayan Srivastava, (city Magistrate, dehradun). Mr.Manoharma Sharma ( mayor dehradun). Mr. Surender Kumar Munni (MLA , Ghaziabad).Lal Bahadur Shastri Training Institute organized many programs in association with UPCIO...More

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