Varchas IT Systems a well known brand name, international leader in IT technologies, software training, live Java on-line coaching, SEO services and software development, distributing its distinctive technologies towards the world. Varchas IT Systems provides an ideal solution for customized software package development ,SEO services and Live Java on-line training for our valuable clients of Usa, Canada, UK, India. Varchas IT Systems, develops software package for organizations and alternative business clients and additionally for the individuals all over the world as per their necessities. We've absolutely qualified team of Java developers, SEO technical and on-line java teachers to deliver best in class quality software system coaching and services on IT technologies around the world, who have to be compelled to expertise in programming languages like C programming, Object Oriented C++, Core Java, Advance Java, J2EE, Python, Servlets, JSP, .NET frame work and computer science. Note - Please contact only interested and serious person. Register for Free Demo Session at - www.Vitsys.Net (For online Training) Or Fix a schedule with instructor to clarify your queries at Skype ID - rkgaurJava Note - Job Struggler in IT Industries with B.Tech (Any Stream and any year Pass out) are welcome with 100% technical round preparation with our 100% track record - visit - http://www.Vitsys.Net/placements.Html Our Training Session Includes Some Unique and silent Features - 1. Six Weeks to Six Month Advanced level Online and Off line training in IT and Java Technologies 2.Java Certification course, Preparation and Training Online, SCJP, OCJP, OCJA and Oracle Certification Preparation. 3.Training Certificate by Our Company, acceptable globally. 4.Study Materials as per your requirements 5.Technical Support 24x7 6.Technical Round Preparation for Job Seekers and professionals 7.Live Java assignment help in Exams. 8 One to One Live Online training 9.Very Economical cost for our valuable Services 10.One Place to full fill your complete requirement in IT technologies 11. 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our Training session (T&C Apply) Note - Please contact only interested and serious person those are really serious with their career. Register for Free Demo Session at - www.Vitsys.Net (For online Training) Or Fix a schedule with instructor to clarify your queries at Skype ID - rkgaurJava Feel Free To Contact Us.. We Will Happy to Help You. Register for free Demo of half an Hour before You Join us at - http://www.Vitsys.Net/free-demo.Html Mr R K Gaur - ( Java Corporate Lead, Software Analyst, Executive Director - Varchas IT Systems Pvt.Ltd. ) Mob - +91 - 9953141035 ( Mr. R K Gaur - Direct Call ) Skype Id - rkgaurJava Complete Software Programming Training Package Duration - 2 - 6 Months Price - Please Contact Module - 1 Programming in C Language 1. Introduction to programming languages 2. What is C language, Data Types, Operators etc. 3. Decision Control Statements 4. Case Control Statements 5. Loops 6. Functions and use 7. Pointers 8. Structures 9. Make a header file 10. Unions 11. Strings 12. Arrays - one-D, two-D etc. 13. Array of pointers 14. Pointer to array 15. Pointer to structures 16. File handling 17. Graphics under C language Module - 2 Object Oriented Programming - C++ 1. Revision of C fundamentals 2. Introduction to C++ 3. Object oriented programming Fundamentals and Features 4. Functions and Function Overloading 5. Inline - Non Inline Functions 6. Creating Class 7. Class and Objects 8. Object as Arguments 9. Constructors - default, perameterized, overloaded, copy constructors 10. Inheritance in C++ - 5 types of Inheritance 11. Polymorphic - Operator Overloading 12. Virtual Functions 13. Pure virtual functions 14. Virtual Base Class 15. File handling 16. Pointer to objects 17. Strings as Arguments 18. Sorting and Arrays 19. Advanced features as Graphics Under C++; 20. Pointers in C++; Module - 3 Core Java Programming Unit - 1 Introduction to Java programming Unit - 2 Data Types Unit - 3 Operators Unit - 4 Decision Control Statements Unit - 5 Wrapper Classes Unit - 6 Taking Input through Command Line Unit - 7 Arrays Unit - 8 Strings Unit - 9 Class and objects Unit - 10 Constructors Unit - 11 Inheritance Unit - 12 Packages and Interfaces Unit - 13 Abstract Classes and Methods Unit - 14 Exception Handling Unit - 15 Mufti Threads Programming Unit - 16 Applets Unit - 17 AWT package Unit - 18 Events with Frame Unit - 19 IO package Unit - 20 Scanner class Module - 4 Advanced Java Programming Unit - 1 Swings - Introduction to swings - Swing package - Swing Components - Creating your Login page - GUI based programming Unit - 2 Swing with Events - Introduction to Events - ActionEvent class - MouseEvent class - KeyEvent class - WindowEvent class - FocusEvent class - ItemEvent class etc. - Interfaces for Event class - ActionListener Interface - MouseListener Interface - KeyListener Interface - MouseMotionListener Interface - WindowListener Interface - ItemListener Interface etc. Unit - 3 JDBC - Introduction to Java data base connectivity - JDBC Architecture - JDBC drivers - Configuration with JDBC - Programming with JDBC Unit - 4 Networking - Introduction - Networking Layers - Client side programming - Server side programming - Implementation Unit - 5 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) - Introduction to RMI - RMI compiler - Architecture of RMI - Configuration of RMI - Implementation of RMI Unit - 6 Util Package - Introduction to Util package - Hashmap class - Treemap class - Vector - ArrayList - Random class - Date class - Time class etc. Unit - 7 Introduction to Servlets - Introduction to servlets - Introduction to J2EE - J2EE Architecture Unit - 8 Advanced Programming - Command for printer - Access data from form - Printout command from GUI Unit - 9 Java Beans using BDK1.2 - Introduction to Java Beans - Installing bean development kit - Implementation Module - 5 J2EE - Web based Programming Fundamentals Unit-1 Client side programming Unit- 2 MVC of J2EE Unit -3 Overview and Setup - Understanding the role of servlets - Evaluating servlets vs. Other technologies - Understanding the role of JSP - Configuring the server - Configuring your development environment - Testing the server setup Unit-4 Servlet Basics - The basic structure of servlets - A simple servlet that generates plain text - A servlet that generates HTML - Servlets and packages - Some utilities that help build HTML - The servlet life cycle Unit-5 Handling the Client Request: Form Data - The role of form data - Creating and submitting HTML forms - Reading individual request parameters - Reading the entire set of request parameters - Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers Unit-6 Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes - Format of the HTTP response - How to set status codes - Shortcut methods for redirection and error pages - A servlet that redirects users to browser-specific pages - A front end to various search engines Unit- 7 Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers - Format of the HTTP response - Setting response headers - Understanding what response headers are good for Unit-8 Cookies - Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of cookies - Sending outgoing cookies - Receiving incoming cookies - Tracking repeat visitors Unit-9 Session Tracking - Implementing session tracking from scratch - Using basic session tracking - Understanding the session-tracking API Unit-10 Database Access - Access data from data base - Search data - Insert data - Delete data Module - 6 Java Server page Unit-1 Introduction and Overview - Understanding the need for JSP - Evaluating the benefits of JSP - Comparing JSP to other technologies - Avoiding JSP misconceptions - Understanding the JSP life cycle - Installing JSP pages - Looking at JSP in the real world Unit-2 Invoking Java Code with JSP Scripting Elements - Static vs. Dynamic text - Dynamic code and good JSP design - JSP expressions - Servlets vs. JSP pages for similar tasks - JSP script lets - JSP declarations Unit-3 Controlling the Structure of Generated Servlets: - The JSP page Directive - Understanding the purpose of the page directive - Designating which classes are imported Unit-4 Including Files - Using jsp:include to include pages at request time - Using (the include directive) to include files at page translation time - Understanding why jsp:include is usually better than the include directive - Using jsp:plugin to include applets for the Java Plug-in Unit-5 Using and Deploying Web Applications - Purpose of Web applications - Structure of Web applications - Setting up Web applications with ToMCAt Unit-6 Controlling Web Application Behavior - Custom URLs - Initialization parameters - Reloading pages - Welcome pages - Error pages Unit-7 Accessing Databases with JDBC - Overview of JDBC technology - JDBC drivers - Seven basic steps in using JDBC - Retrieving data from a ResultSet - Handling SQL exceptions For Best Offers Please Contact - Mr R K Gaur - ( Java Corporate Lead, Software Analyst, Executive Director - Varchas IT Systems Pvt.Ltd. ) Mob - +91 - 9953141035 ( Mr. R K Gaur - Direct Call ) Skype Id - rkgaurJava Web - http://www.Vitsys.Net Note - Clients can select a particular Module as per their requirements..